ForceCast #289: The ForceCast In 78 Minutes
Posted by Eric on February 7, 2014 at 09:00 AM CST

It's a light news week, but we're keeping things exciting by interviewing the creator of one of
Star Wars Celebration's most popular events:
Patrick Gorman of
The Star Wars Saga In 60 Minutes. In part one of our interview, Patrick discusses his
Star Wars fandom, the origins of his show, and more. Plus, we cover a Disney Infinity rumor, discuss a
Star Wars Rebels propaganda campaign, and read your emails and Facebook comments.
Show Notes:The HoloNetDiscussionFan FocusThe Comlink- We read emails and Facebook comments from Ryan, Marcus, Shaun, Jason, Matt, Bryan, and Tomas.
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The Official ForceCast Wiki. This episode's wiki entry can be found
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