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Palpatine Eats A Snickers Bar

Posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on May 9, 2010 at 09:00 AM CST

Sometimes on The Clone Wars Roundtable, we like to joke about the actor who plays Palpatine, Ian Ambercrombie. You see, Mr. Ambercrombie was best know to us as Elaines boss Mr. Pitt on Seinfeld. This apparently led to some funny mental images for some of our listeners, most notably, Faithful ForceCast listener Jessica Anderson, who also happens to be a very talented artist. We'll let Jessica take it from here:

The whole point of this seemingly nonsensical picture will be lost on everyone (unless you listen to the Forcecast Clone Wars Roundtable podcasts) so I am going to explain what's going on here.

Okay, so in the Clone Wars TV Show, Palpatine is voiced by Ian Abercrombie, the man who played the role of Elaine's boss Mr. Pitt in the Seinfeld sitcom. In an episode titled "The Pledge Drive", Mr Pitt eats a Snickers bar with a knife and fork and starts a fad of eating candy with utensils instead of your hands. An episode of the Clone Wars that heavily featured Palpy was just released, and the guys on the roundtable were joking about how funny it would be if Palpy suddenly pulled out a Snickers bar and ate it with a knife and a fork. Trust me, it was a lot funnier than I make it sound.

Anyways, I thought the idea was so great that I had to draw it. So I give you Palpatine Eats A Snickers while Padme and Mas Amedda stare in surprise and confusion. And if anyone wants to watch the Seinfeld episode (which I highly reccommend), here it is --> Seinfeld episode: The Pledge Drive Just click on the watch video link.

And let me tell you, drawing Palpy is a pain in the neck.


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