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The ForceCast's CV Trading Card #5: Kyle!

Posted by Jason on August 8, 2010 at 04:38 PM CST

The story behind the making of the 2009 film Fanboys is almost as crazy as the film itself. Our window throughout this process was the film's director and one of the biggest Star Wars fans we've ever met, Kyle Newman. What began as just another "In the Cantina" interview grew into one of our most frequent guests, a sometimes co-host, and a great friend.

So, card #5 is, appropriately, a picture of Kyle on the set of Fanboys directing a scene with "Hutch," played by actor Dan Fogler.

ForceCast/CV Exclusive Trading Card #5

Kyle will be at Celebration V all four days. He's serving on a few panels and will be hanging around the ForceCast table from time to time. We will be giving away DVD and (the newly released) Blu-Ray copies of Fanboys signed by Kyle and Fanboys co-star Jaime King. Jaime is also the voice of Aurra Sing on The Clone Wars. Listen to our interview with Jaime on our Clone Wars: Season 2 wrap up special.

The Fanboys DVD and Blu-Ray giveaways will happen during our live ForceCast episodes, which coincidentally is where you can get the ForceCast trading cards.

So, in case you are just hearing about this now, we are revealing a different card every day for six days here on the ForceCast blog.

The cards are FREE, but you can only get them by showing up to our live show tapings at Celebration V. The three live shows are currently scheduled for:

THURSDAY: 4:15-6:15 PM

You can find us at our mobile palatial ForceCast studio setup in the Official Pix autograph hall, giving out two cards at each show. So in order to get all three cards, you have to at least stop by at some point during all three shows. And you're going to want all 6 of them just for the backs.

And please remember our buddy Paul Bateman of RalphMcQuarrie.com. He laid out and designed the cards for us. Say "Hi" to Paul and the rest of the McQuarrie gang at the Ralph McQuarrie gallery at CV. And don't forget about their sweet set of exclusive trading cards featuring the many sides of the great Ralph McQuarrie.

Be back tomorrow for a look at Card #5.

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