Weekly ForceCast: December 2, 2011
Posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on December 2, 2011 at 11:44 AM CST
Clone Wars actor Stephen Stanton (& friends) joins us to talk about a very interesting Star Wars auction for a good cause.
HitFix.com writer Drew McWeeny tells us about the method he used to introduce his kids to The 'Wars. Jimmy Mac reports on his trip to Disney and
Star Tours 3D. And, it's William Shatner vs Carrie Fisher in a winner-take-all grudge match! Plus,
The Billy Dee Quote of the Week, Songify Contest,
Star Wars in Pop Culture and more!
Read the great blogs written by
HitFix.com writer Drew McWeeny as he documented his children's first screening of the
Star Wars saga, film by film:
Star Wars,
The Empire Strikes Back,
The Phantom Menace,
Attack of the Clones,
Revenge of the Sith,
Return of the JediShow NotesYou can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
Attention ForceCast App Users:Touch Extras for this episode for a special bonus
Hughes The Force Q&A, hosted by Steve Sansweet, live from Star Wars Fan Days 2011
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