Collector's Edition: July 2011
Posted by Jason on August 3, 2011 at 12:02 AM CST

Better late than never! Dan Curto and James Burns are back again with another Collector's Edition episode. Hot on the heels of San Diego Comic-Con, the team analyzes all the latest Hasbro announcements from the latest Q&A session, with even MORE hints of things to come for collectors in 2012. Plus,
Fanboys director Kyle Newman joins in with detailed commentary of Comic-Con, especially the just-revealed action figure of a character near and dear to his heart: Ben Quadrinaros! The gang also discusses some of the fallout over what was--and what wasn't--revealed during the con (you just KNOW Kyle has a lot to say on the subject!). All this, and a complete review of each and every figure in wave 7 of Hasbro's The Vintage Collection!
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