Weekly ForceCast: April 27, 2012
Posted by Jason on April 27, 2012 at 12:10 AM CST

The ForceCast returns with a full report from Chicago's C2E2 where we sat down with
Star Wars legend Anthony (C-3PO) Daniels and star of
The Lord of the Rings trilogy,
Rudy, and
The Goonies, actor Sean Astin, for a little chat about the
'Wars. Plus, Ralph McQuarrie is laid to rest and details on how you can win a set of ForceCast trading cards. It's all right here, right now, and only on your Weekly ForceCast!
For more information about Sean Astin's "Run 3rd" campaign, follow him on Twitter
@SeanAstin and visit the official "Run 3rd"
Attention ForceCast App Users:Touch "extras" on this episode for the complete audio of Anthony Daniels' panel from C2E2!
Show Notes:You can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
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