Weekly ForceCast: July 23, 2010
Posted by
Jason on
July 23, 2010 at 08:49 AM CST

The road to Celebration V continues this week with Lucasfilm artist Tom Hodges joining us to talk about his exclusive print recently revealed at StarWars.com. Jimmy catches up with
Star Wars tourism expert Mark Dermul about the "
Save The Igloo" project. Plus, Palpatine the Poet, a
Star Wars burlesque show report from Dean the Maniac, the latest
Star Wars references in pop culture, an educational Billy Dee clip, and so much more.
iPhone/iPod Touch App Extras:Click on "Extras" for this episode for exclusive BONUS CONTENT. This week, in anticipation for his big appearance next month at CV, the ForceCast is proud to present highlights from Mark Hamill's Q and A at Star Wars: Celebration Japan, July 20, 2008!
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