Weekly ForceCast: July 29, 2011
Posted by Jason on July 29, 2011 at 10:13 AM CST

This week, we kick things off with a mini-roundtable review of the
Star Wars/LEGO animated special,
The Padawan Menace, featuring roundtable regulars Kyle Newman and Paul Bateman.
Hughes the Force Director and official ForceCast San Diego Comic-Con correspondent J.C. Reifenberg joins us for an on the ground look at what went down at SDCC, complete with audio highlights from
The Clone Wars panel. Plus, Billy Dee "Misbehaves" with the
Robot Chicken gang and a whole lot more.
Huges the Force Prequel Comic Art Preview!
Help J.C. To Help Baby Leah!Anyone who donates $15 or more to Baby Leah via J.C.'s PayPal account (Billycyclone@aol.com) between now and Tuesday, August 2 at 10:00 pm ET will receive a
Hughes the Force one-sheet poster! All proceeds go directly to
Leah; shipping and handling costs will be provided by the
Hughes the Force production team.
Please be sure to include your name and address in the PayPal note. The poster is 27" x 39," and will ship on our about Thursday, August 4.
Show NotesYou can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
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