Weekly ForceCast: July 9, 2010
Posted by Jason on July 9, 2010 at 08:49 AM CST

Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet checks in with a Celebration V update and offers up a slew of new details and exciting information about the biggest
Star Wars event of the year. We also take a closer look at Hasbro's "Vintage" line of action figures, catch up with the latest outrageous antics of the Jedi Church, and... Charlie Brown meets Luke Skywalker? Plus, the latest
Star Wars news, Billy Dee's Quote of the Week, listener feedback, and a rant or two. It all happens right here, right now on The Weekly ForceCast.
Attention iPhone/iTouch App Users:Check out a fresh exclusive bonus by clicking EXTRAS on this week's show. As we continue to get you psyched up for CV, we once again flashback to Star Wars Celebration II for highlights featuring a reunion between Anthony Daniels and R2-D2! Plus, learn more about what makes an astromech tick with ILM's droid wrangler Don Bies.
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