Weekly ForceCast: October 26, 2012
Posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on October 25, 2012 at 10:16 PM CST
The ForceCast is on the road! This week, we are once again leaving NO FAN BEHIND with The ForceCast Live from
Fan Days 2012. Presented by Official Pix in Irving, Texas, this impressive expo features some of the biggest names from
Star Wars and beyond. This year at
Fan Days, the
Star Wars buzz centered around the 3 Darths in attendance...Sidious, Maul, and Vader. Listen as Darth Maul actor Ray Park joins Jason and Jimmy Mac to chat about his role in
The Phantom Menace. The always candid man-behind-the-mask, Darth Vader actor David Prowse provides us with a unfiltered, and at times controversial look back at the
Star Wars Original Trilogy.
Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Kruger Robert Englund remembers his behind-the-scenes experience in the
Star Wars universe. Sean Astin from
Lord of the Rings gives us the scoop about working with Christopher Lee and his take on politics in
Star Wars. And, in a ForceCast exclusive, be there as the 501st Star Garrison reunites master and apprentice with a private ceremony for Ian McDiarmid and David Prowse. All this and more on
The Weekly ForceCast live from
Fan Days 2012!
Show Notes:You can see more information about this episode on
its wiki page. We invite you to expand and improve the wiki with your own contributions.
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